113th CONGRESS 2d Session The wording is below.
If your represented by Congressman Stephen Lynch or Congressman Richard Neal they are the only members of Congress from MA who have NOT cosponsored. Please contact them! Ask them to join Congressman Jim McGovern, Congresswoman Nikki Tsongas, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, Congressman John Tierney, Congressman William Keating and Congressman Mike Capuano in support of this Resolution. RESOLUTION Calling on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed. Whereas, defined as an unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader, dyslexia reflects a difficulty in getting to the individual sounds of spoken language which typically impacts speaking, reading, spelling, and often, learning a second language; Whereas dyslexia is highly prevalent, affecting one out of five individuals in some form, and is persistent; Whereas dyslexia is a paradox, so that often the same individual who has a weakness in decoding or reading fluency also has strengths in higher level cognitive functions such as reasoning, critical thinking, concept formation, and problem solving; Whereas great progress has been made in understanding dyslexia at a scientific level, including its epidemiology, and cognitive and neurobiological bases; and Whereas diagnosis of dyslexia is critical, and must lead to focused, evidence-based interventions, necessary accommodations, self-awareness, self-empowerment, and school and life success: Now, therefore, be it That the House of Representatives calls on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed. Comments are closed.