Dyslexia Legislation S. 2607 passed the Senate 37-0 on July 18!
SO NOW...it is up to the Massachusetts House of Representatives to take action. There are two bodies in the legislature and both must pass the Bill. The Next Step is for the House of Representatives to “move” House Bill H4394 (or S2607) for a vote. Both numbers of the same legislation are in the Ways and Means Committee. You can find the committee members here to call or visit them. THE MOST important action you can take is to call or visit YOUR OWN State Representative:
Once you've found your Representative: 1. Make a phone call to that Representative asking him or her to support moving the bill as an “Urgent Priority.” Inform your State Representative that the Senate passed the same Bill 37 -0. Whether you HAVE CALLED MANY TIMES BEFORE OR NEVER - these calls are critical, now, this week and every day until it passes. 2. Ask your Representative to contact the office of Representative Cory Atkins. Amanda Gordon in Rep. Atkins' office will collect the names of those signing on to a letter of support to move the bill. [email protected] 3. Ask to be updated as to when it moves and when the vote might be taken. Talking points:
Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota are the only states without some kind of dyslexia law to improve policy.
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